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Dispute resolution policy.

Payment and Refund Policy:
a. To ensure the security of our services, customers are required to make a 50% payment upfront at the time of booking an appointment.
b. Refunds for services rendered will not be allowed, as the payment covers the cost of reserving a time slot and the resources allocated for the appointment.

Allergy Concerns:
a. Green Space Salon prioritizes the well-being of our customers, especially when it comes to potential allergies to chemicals. We take all necessary precautions to minimize any allergic reactions.

b. Reschedule your appointment if the following conditions are present: Open Cuts, Sore and Contagious Diseases. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone

c. If a customer has a known allergy to specific chemicals used in our salon, it is their responsibility to inform us prior to the appointment. This will allow us to make appropriate arrangements and suggest alternative products that are safe for their use.
d. In the event that a customer experiences an allergic reaction despite providing prior information about their allergy, Green Space Salon cannot be held responsible for any associated costs, such as medical expenses or necessary treatments, as the salon has taken proactive steps by requesting information from the customer regarding allergies.

Delay Compensation:
a. We understand the importance of punctuality and strive to adhere to the scheduled appointment timings.
b. In the rare occurrence of a delay on our part, Green Space Salon will provide a 5% discount on the total cost of the delayed service as compensation for any inconvenience caused.
c. The delay compensation will only apply if the delay exceeds the agreed-upon appointment time by more than 1hr.

Please note that this Dispute Resolution Policy is subject to Green Space Salon's terms and conditions, which customers are expected to review and agree to prior to booking an appointment. We aim to provide a satisfactory experience for all our customers and address any concerns in a fair and responsible manner.

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